Hello everyone and happy Monday! I have been BEYOND busy and wish I could blog more often. Graduate school, evaluations, report cards, etc. I know you all get it :) Lets get to the post...
Before I knew about this wonderful tip, I used plain, boring bulletin board paper to create my displays. Thanks to a wonderful friend (credit: Jessica Farrell, Kindergarten teacher), I now use wrapping paper for ALL of my bulletin board displays. Not only is this super easy, it's cute and unique. It is very unlikely that you and another teacher will have the same background. I am not a very "matchy, matchy" person. I like things to coordinate, in other words. I know that many are probably thinking that it's expensive and why waste money on wrapping paper when you can get free bulletin board paper from school. Here's my philosophy:
1. Wrapping paper is not expensive...look for the clearance paper!
2. I can be reused...I have had the same wrapping paper up for two years...I just change the border.
3. It doesn't fade like bulletin board paper does.
4. It's much cuter.
Here are some examples of my bulletin board displays. Don't mind the fact that they are pretty plain (I had to take a lot down for MSA testing and I haven't put everything back up). If you're interesting in seeing any other displays from teachers who use wrapping paper as their bulletin board backgrounds, please contact me!
Thanks for stopping by! Happy blogging! :)