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Monday, June 9, 2014

Tips to End the Year Off With!

We are nearing the end of the year! It's that time when we don't have new content to teach, but we need to keep the kids engaged. Otherwise, we would all go crazy! Here are a few math and reading ideas to end the school year off with: 

  • Create a comic strip of your favorite story that we've read this year
  • Write a poem about a character from one of the stories that we've read 
  • Compare two stories that we've read this year using a Venn diagram and then illustrate
  • Creative writing: use plot, character, and setting cards to create a crazy story! 
  • Write a song or rap about your favorite story or make up your own story and create a song or rap
  • Work in groups to create a story. Each student write a sentence and keep passing it along and adding until you have a finished product! 
  • End of the year memory book: Create your own or grab mine HERE!
  • Roll the dice: roll the dice and create numbers to add or subtract-we have foam dice that the kids love
  • Add it fast-take digit cards and have students each put down a card-whoever says the sum first keeps both cards. You can use this for multiplication too
  • Math bingo-easy to create on your own with multiplication, addition, or subtraction!
  • Have you students create their own word problems and post around the room for students to solve 
  • Math olympics! 

There are so many more things that we are doing in our room, but this would be a very long post! I also do a lot of Smart Board activities that I find through Smart Exchange or TPT, but my students love playing games with each other! Any other cool ideas that you have are appreciated! 


  1. Thanks for these great ideas for the end of the year. I will be using some of them. Enjoy your last few weeks!
